Verify and stand out on Jobstreet

Show employers on Jobstreet you’re job-ready
Verify and stand outVerify once to receive a SEEK Pass verified tick to stand out to employers on relevant jobs on Jobstreet thereafter.
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Secure by designPurpose-built to verify, store and share credentials with security as our highest priority.
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Privacy protectedDemonstrate your credentials to employers while keeping your sensitive information private.
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How does it work?

Step 1
VerifyProvide evidence of your credentials, which SEEK Pass then checks with the relevant authority or uses other suitable verification methods.
Step 2
ShareOnce your verified result is available, you can share it on Jobstreet to enhance your job applications.
Step 3
Stand outIf shared, employers using Jobstreet to manage applications will be able to see your verified credential for relevant past and future applications as a live feed.

How will Jobstreet employers see my Jobstreet-verified credentials?

When you apply for a job on Jobstreet
Stand out: Endorse your screening question answers with a SEEK Pass verified tick to make a strong impression.
Regular responses: Non-verified screening question answers will still be visible to employers but will appear as regular responses without the verified tick, signalling standard application answers.
Verified Profile: Share your verified credentials on your Jobstreet profile to build trust and increase your chances of being shortlisted by employers.
When a Jobstreet employer searches for someone with your credential
Once you’ve verified at least one credential with SEEK Pass, employers searching for candidates will see a SEEK Pass verified tick next to your verified credentials, helping you stand out in their search results.
The SEEK Pass verified tick will show up next to the credentials you’ve verified.

Credentials we verify

Frequently Asked Questions

To learn more, visit our Help Centre