Career History

Verify and stand outVerify once to receive a SEEK Pass verified tick to stand out to employers on relevant jobs on Jobstreet thereafter.
Learn moreSecure by designPurpose-built to verify, store and share credentials with security as our highest priority.
Learn morePrivacy protectedDemonstrate your credentials to employers while keeping your sensitive information private.
Learn moreWhy should I verify my Career History
Verifying your Career History shows employers that you work where you claim to work. This can help to differentiate you from other candidates and give employers additional trust and greater confidence early in the hiring process.
How does it work?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
SEEK Pass has a unique integration with Jobstreet to help you stand out when applying for jobs. And thanks to Jobstreet, you can verify and share your credentials at no cost to you.Learn more
What you’ll need to verify successfully
You will need access to your current work email address. A unique code will be sent to that email address, confirming that the email belongs to you.
We are unable to accept student emails or personal email addresses from providers such as Gmail, Hotmail and other web providers.
What employers will see when sharing with Jobstreet
Upon accessing your shared Jobstreet profile, viewers will see your verified Career History along with the SEEK Pass verified tick. Rest assured, no additional information will be disclosed.
To protect your privacy, we carefully manage the sharing of sensitive information. We will always explain what will be shared and ask for your consent before sharing any information.